Full text: Sitzungsberichte / Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 98. Band, (Jahrgang 1881)

Muse u in regni Bohemiao: Öasopis 1880. Rocnik LIV. Svazek 2, 3 a 4. 
1881. Rocnik LV, Svazek 1. V Praze; 8°. — Novoceska Bibliotheka. 
Cislo XXIII. V Praze, 1881; 8°. — Staroceska Bibliotheka. Cislo V. 
V Praze, 1880; 8°. — Pamatky Stare literatury cesld. Öislo 7. V Praze, 
1880; 8°. 
Pröll, Gustav Dr., Gastein. Erfahrungen und Studien. Wien, 1881; 8°. 
Society, the royal asiatic of Great Britain and Ireland: The Journal. N. S. 
Vol. XIII, part. II. London, 1881; 8°. 
— the royal geographical: Proceedings and monthly Record of Geography. 
Vol. III, Nr. 6, June 1881. London; 8°. 
— the royal Asiatic, Bombay brauch: The Journal. Vol. XIV, No. XXXVII, 
1879. Bombay, 1880; 8°. 
— the Asiatic of Bengal: Proceedings. Nos. 1—10. Calcutta, 1880; 8°. 
Nos. 1—3. Calcutta, 1881; 8 U . — Journal. Vol. XL1X, Part II, Nos. 1—4. 
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nal. N. S. Vol. XLVI1. Extra Number to Part I for 1878. Calcutta, 1880; 
8". Vol. XLVIII, Part I, Nos. 1—4. Calcutta. 1880; 8°. Vol. L, Part I, 
No. 1, 1881; Calcutta; 8°. — Bibliotheca indica: Old series, No. 242. 
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New series, No. 425. Calcutta, 1880; 8°. New series, Nos. 431 and 432. 
Calcutta, 1879; gr. 4 U . New series, Nos. 433—446. Benares, Calcutta, 
1880; 8°. New series, Nos. 454—456. Calcutta, 1881; 8 1J . — Index of 
names of persous and geographical names occurring in the Akbar Nämah. 
Vol. II. By Abul Fazl I Mub&raki' Allämi; by Maulavi Abdur Rahiui. 
Calcutta, 1881; gr. 4 U . — A classified Index to the Sanskrit MSS. in 
the palace at Tanjore; by A. C. Burneil, Pli. D. Part III. London, 
1880; gr. 4°. — List of Sanskrit Manuseripts discovered in Oudli during 
the years of 1877 and 1879. Allahabad, 1878/79; 8°. — A Catalogue of 
Sanskrit Manuseripts in the north-western Provinces. Part IV. Allahabad, 
1879; 8 U . — A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuseripts in private libraries of 
the north-western Provinces. Part III. Allahabad, 1878; 8°. 
Wissenschaftlicher Club in Wien: Monalsblätter. II. Jahrgang, Nr. 8 
und 9. Ausserordentliche Beilage Nr. VIII. Wien, 1881; 8 U .

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