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Title: General-Karte des Königreiches Griechenland
Cartographer: Kiepert, Heinrich
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1885
Shelfmark: K-II: EU/Gri 1926 (1-11) + 1927 (1-9)
Document type: Map
Title: Nova et accurata Siciliae Regionum, Urbium, Castellorum, Pagorum, Montium, Sylvarum, Planitierum, Viarum, Situum, Ac singularium quorumque locorum et rerum ad Geographiam Pertinentium
Author: Schmettau, Samuel von
Place of publication: S.l.
Year of publication: 1722
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/Ita 314 (1-4)
Document type: Map
Title: Le Cours du Danube
Cartographer: Placide
Place of publication: A Paris
Year of publication: 1703
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU 230
Document type: Map
Title: La Topografia di Roma di Giobatta Nolli dalla maggiore in questa minor tavola dal medesimo ridotta e da Ignazio Benedetta incisa. / Roma
Cartographer: Nolli, Giovanni Battista
Place of publication: Roma
Year of publication: 1773
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/Ita 451
Document type: Map
Title: Charte von Cisalpinien
Place of publication: Nürnberg
Year of publication: 1798
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/Ita 649
Document type: Map
Title: Mapa geografico de una parte de provincia de Burgo,
Place of publication: Madrid
Year of publication: 1784
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/His 532 (1-2)
Document type: Map
Title: Mapa geográphico del partido de Ponferrada,
Place of publication: Madrid
Year of publication: 1785
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/His 547
Document type: Map
Title: Mapa geograpfico del reyno de Galicia
Place of publication: Madrid
Year of publication: 1783
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/His 525 (1-2)
Document type: Map
Title: Mapa geogeráphico del partido de Ponferrada,
Place of publication: Madrid
Year of publication: 1786
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/His 557
Document type: Map
Title: Karte von den Staaten des Königs von Sardinien enthaltend SAVOYEN und PIEMONT MONTFERRAT ein Theil vom Herzogthum MAILAND und die Insel SARDINIEN
Author: Sotzmann, Daniel Friedrich
Place of publication: Berlin
Year of publication: 1793
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/Ita 608
Document type: Map
Title: Mapa geograpfico del partido de Toro
Place of publication: Madrid
Year of publication: 1784
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/His 531
Document type: Map
Title: Spanien und Portugal
Author: Weiland, Karl Ferdinand
Place of publication: Weimar
Year of publication: 1836
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/His 1096b
Document type: Map
Title: La Luisiana Cedida al Rei N. S. por S. M. Christianisima con la Nueva Orleans, é Isla en que se halla esta Ciudad. Construida sobre el Mapa de M.r D'Anville. Por D. Thomás Lopez
Cartographer: López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás
Place of publication: en Madrid
Year of publication: 1762
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): AM/Nor 122
Document type: Map
Title: La vera et fidele discrittione di tutto il Contado di Zara et Sebenico
Cartographer: Forlani, Paolo de
Place of publication: In Venetia
Year of publication: 1570
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Dal 11
Document type: Map
Title: Special Karte der Markgrafschaft Maehren und des Herzogthums Schlesien
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1844
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Boh 1735 (1-17)
Document type: MapCompilation
Title: Hanc Viennae Quam Vides Geometricam faciem Archimedem Siracusanum
Author: Hirschvogel, Augustin
Year of publication: 1552
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1573 (1-6)
Document type: Map
Title: Wien. 8r Bezirk: Josefstadt
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1863
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1647
Document type: Map
Title: Plan über die Erweiterung der inneren Stadt
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1871
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1779
Document type: Map
Title: Umgebungen von Wien
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1916
Document type: MapCompilation
Title: Polizei-Bezirks-Eintheilung. Alsergrund
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1852
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1323
Document type: Map
Title: Tyrolis Sub Felici Regimine Mariæ Theresiæ Rom. Imper. Aug.
Cartographer: Anich, PeterHueber, Blasius
Place of publication: [Wien]
Year of publication: 1774
Shelfmark: K-III: OE/Tyr 159
Document type: Map
Title: Die Kaiser Ferdinand's Nordbahn : Lundenburg bis Olmütz
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1841
Shelfmark: K-I: OE 875 (2)
Document type: Map
Title: Carte de la Chine
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1900
Shelfmark: K-I: AS/Ost 656
Document type: Map
Title: Neuester Grundrisz der Haupt- und Residenzstadt Wien
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1825
Shelfmark: K-I: OE/Vie 587
Document type: Map
Title: Die Kaiser Ferdinand's Nordbahn
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1849
Shelfmark: K-I: OE 875 (5)
Document type: Map

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