Full text: Sitzungsberichte / Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 74. Band, (Jahrgang 1873)

Zur Literaturgeschichte des Guy von War wich. 
of tliilke ex ; 
had.de of Danys 
5 wich instrument 
is yit callid 
kept among men 
in the vestiarie, 
56 Whan al was doon 
Guy in al haste 
lyk a pilgrym 
the kyng ful goodly 
f> that he myhte 
of this pilgrym 
in secre wyse 
what was his name, 
57 ,Sertys‘, quod Guy, 
touchyng your askyng 
beth nat besy 
in your desire 
5 (to myn excuse 
for i shal never 
but under bond 
assuraunce maad 
58 Alle your pryncys 
sool be our silff 
noon, but wo tweyne, 
with trouthe assured, 
5 duryng my lyf 
to no pcrsone 
of ffeith and oth), 
that ye shall never 
59 This thyng confermed 
passed the subbarbys 
at a ci'os, 
ful devoutly 
5 to sette a syde 
,my lord‘, quod he 
your lygeman 
Guy of Warwyk 
60 The kyng astoned 
with wich afforn that he 
slayn the chanipioune; 
thorugh al this regyoun 
the ex of Colybrond 
of relygyoune 
as ye schall understond. 
(ther is no more to seyne), 
caste of hys armure, 
put on his sclaveyn. 
affter dyd his eure, 
the grace so recure 
to tellyn and nat spare, 
to tellyn his aventure, 
pleynly to declare. 
,ye must have me excused 
and your petycioun : 
aud lat no more be rnused 
for noon occasioun 
i have ful greet resoun); 
dyscure this mateer, 
of a condycyoun, 
tween yow and me in feere: 
avoided by absence, 
out of this cyte, 
beyng in presence 
that ye shal be secre 
(ye gete no more of me) 
(i aske no more avayll 
to hih nor louh degre 
dyscure my counsaylK 
by proms ful roiall 
and boundys of the toun. 
that stood ffeer ffrom the wall 
the pilgrym knelith doun 
all suspecyoune. 
,of feith with outen blame 
of humble affeccyouno: 
trewly is my name 1 . 
gan chaunge eher and face

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