Full text: Sitzungsberichte / Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 74. Band, (Jahrgang 1873)

5 sith he of wepnys 
to graunte liym oon 
but Colybrond 
to his requeste 
51 For be was set 
to execute 
and, wbile that he 
all attonys 
5 cauhte a pol lex, 
smette tbe geaunt 
made his strok 
that his lefft arme 
52 With wich strok 
(al his armure 
stoupyng a syde 
to take a suerd, 
5 god and grace 
to put his name 
fleih with his ax, 
of the geaunt 
53 This thyng aceomplisshed 
and by the prowesse 
they of Denmärk, 
han crossed sail 
5 toward ther cuntre 
ther surquedrye 
kyng Etbelstan 
hadde of Denmark 
54 Ther froward pompe 
by Guy of Warwyk, 
the kyng, the clergye 
pryncys, barouns 
5 with al the comounte 
hih and lowe 
hym to conveie 
on to ther cliirche 
55 This seyde Guy 
with gret meknesse 
52, 2 boody 
hadde so gret foysoun, 
that hour in his diffence. 
of indyngnacyoun 
gaff noon audyence; 
on malys and on wrak, 
his purpos set on pryde. 
and Guy to gedre spak, 
Guy sterte out a syde, 
ly st no lenger byde, 
evene in the firste wounde, 
so myghtyly to glyde, 
and shuldir ffyll to grounde; 
the geaunt Colybrond 
and body was maad reed) 
gan reche forth his hond 
wher of Guy took heed. 
that day gaff hym suych speed 
ever affter in memorie: 
smet of the sturdy heed 
and hadde of hym vyctorye. 
by grace of goddis hond 
of Guy, this noble knyght, 
as the Statute bond, 
and take ther weye right 
nouther glad nor light 
and ther pompe oppressed: 
by grace of goddys myht 
the pompe ful repressed. 
with meknesse was repressed 
as maad is mencioun, 
devoutly have hem dressed, 
and burgeis of the toun 
(for short conclusioun), 
(to speke in generali) 
with proscessioun 
callyd cathedrall. 
ther knelyng on his kne 
made his oblacioune 
53, 6 surquedye.

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