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Title: Deutsche Alpen
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: G-I: OE 2074 (1)
Title: Briefe eines Reisenden Franzosen über Deutschland
Author: Riesbeck, Johann Kaspar
Place of publication: [Zürich]
Year of publication: 1784
Shelfmark: R-I: DE 224 (2)
Title: Vienna and the Austrians
Author: Trollope, Frances Milton
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1838
Shelfmark: R-III: OE/Vie 864 (1)
Title: Darstellung der k. k. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Wien
Author: Schweickhardt, Franz Xaver
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1832
Shelfmark: G-III: OE/VIE 751 (1)
Title: [Trachten des Oberpinzgaues?]
Place of publication: Salzburg
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-IV: OE/Sal 948 (6)
Title: Die Oetzthaler Gebirgsgruppe
Author: Sonklar, Karl von
Place of publication: Gotha
Year of publication: 1860
Shelfmark: G-IV: OE/Tyr 1586 (2)
Title: Adparatus Ad Historiam Hungariae
Author: Bél, Mátyás
Place of publication: Posonii
Year of publication: 1735
Shelfmark: G-IV: OE/Hun 113
Title: Voyage dans le Tyrol, et une partie de la Bavière
Author: Serres, Marcel de
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1823
Shelfmark: R-III: OE/Tyr 562 (2)
Title: Schematismus zum Behufe der von Seiner k. k. Apostolischen Majestät angeordneten allgemeinen Untersuchung aller Armen in dem ganzen Umfange des Wiener-Armen-Institutes
Place of publication: Wien
Shelfmark: J0140
Title: Vorschrift für den ökonomisch-administrativen Dienst bei den Unterabtheilungen des k. u. k. Heeres vom Jahre 1887
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: J0236
Title: Lettres Edifiantes Et Curieuses, Ecrites Des Missions Etrangeres, par quelques Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus
Author: Le Gobien, Charles
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1717
Shelfmark: R-I: WE 134 (5)
Title: Schottland in Bildern
Author: Beattie, William
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Gro 1113 (2)
Title: Exerzier-Reglement für die Eidgenößische Linien und leichte Infanterie
Place of publication: Basel
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: J0148(1)
Title: Nordland-Fahrten
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: G-IV: EU 1886 (5)
Title: Dienst-Reglement für die kaiserlich-königliche Cavallerie
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1807
Shelfmark: J0327(1)
Title: Codice di leggi e costituzioni per gli stati di sua altezza serenissima
Place of publication: Modena
Year of publication: 1771
Shelfmark: J0354
Title: Reise durch Ober=Jtalien
Author: Burger, Johann
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1831
Shelfmark: R-III: EU/Ita 1013 (1)
Title: Nippon
Author: Siebold, Philipp Franz von
Place of publication: Leyden
Year of publication: 1832
Shelfmark: R-V(L): AS/Ost 270 (6)
Title: Zu Land nach Indien
Author: Hedin, Sven Anders
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: R-II: AS/Vor 671 (1)
Title: Die Völker Oesterreich-Ungarns
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1881
Shelfmark: G-II: OE 2005 (4)
Title: Almanak en naamregister van Nederlandsch-Indie͏̈
Place of publication: Batavia
Year of publication: 1817
Shelfmark: J0462.1854
Title: An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of his present Majesty for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, And succesively performed by Byron, Wallis, Carteret and Cook
Author: Hawkesworth, John
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1773
Shelfmark: R-V: WE 186
Title: Tokumei-zenken-taishi-Bei-Ō-kairan-jikki
Author: Kume, Kunitake
Place of publication: Tokyo
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: R-II: EU 1846 (1)
Title: Krakatau
Author: Verbeek, R. D. M.
Place of publication: Batavia
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: R-V: AS/Sos 583
Title: Reise nach der Insel Kreta im griechischen Archipelagus im Jahre 1817
Author: Sieber, Franz Wilhelm
Place of publication: Leipzig [u.a.]
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: R-II: EU/Gri 911 (1)

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