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Title: Haupt-Ansicht von Neapel
Place of publication: [Triest]
Year of publication: 1861
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 1653
Title: Fischertor v. Außen
Place of publication: [Wien]
Year of publication: 1858
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1466 (1)
Title: Lindemann-Frommels Skizzen aus Rom und der Umgebung
Place of publication: Rom
Year of publication: 1851
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 1464 (1-2)
Title: Heidelberg
Place of publication: [Erscheinugsort nicht ermittelbar]
Year of publication: 1860
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Bad 738
Title: Der Falkenstein im Selkethale
Place of publication: Clausthal
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Hes 547
Title: St. Marx in Wien
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1858
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1466 (3)
Title: Ansichten von Wien
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1860
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1517 (1-9)
Title: Aus disem, als dem Haubthauß
Place of publication: Vindel. et Rhinhus
Year of publication: 1616
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Bav 32
Title: Nuova Chiesa dell a Grand Madre di Dio
Place of publication: Torino
Year of publication: 1820
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 858
Title: Veduta dell'Anfiteatro detto L'Arena in Verona
Place of publication: Verona
Year of publication: 1820
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 856
Title: Anfiteatro detto l'Arena in Verona
Place of publication: Verona
Year of publication: 1820
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 865
Title: Delineatio Vera Imperialis Civitatis Ad Aras Flavias Sive Nördlingen AnnoM. DC. LI.
Place of publication: [Verlagsort nicht ermittelbar]
Year of publication: 1651
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Bav 50
Title: Veduta di Napoli da sopra due porte
Place of publication: Napoli
Year of publication: 1823
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 901
Title: Total-Ansicht von Paris aus der Vogelperspective
Place of publication: [Triest]
Year of publication: 1861
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Fra 1659
Title: Füssen
Place of publication: [München?]
Year of publication: 1830
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Bav 435
Title: Berchtesgaden
Place of publication: Salzburg
Year of publication: 1845
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Bav 597
Title: Seconde vue des environs de Caudebec en Normandie
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1770
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Fra 424
Title: Eine Parthie am Königssee bei Berchtesgaden
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1848
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Bav 618
Title: Die Basilika zu München
Place of publication: [München]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Bav 544
Title: II.e Vuë des Environs de Bernai en Normandie
Place of publication: A Paris
Year of publication: 1766
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Fra 407
Title: Städt. Versorgungsanstalt (Backenhäusel)
Place of publication: [Wien]
Year of publication: 1861
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1608 (1)
Title: Vedute di Torino.
Place of publication: in Milano
Year of publication: 1830
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 996 (2)
Title: Das neue Parlamentsgebäude in Wien
Place of publication: [Wien]
Year of publication: 1861
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1604
Title: Städt. Versorgungshaus am Alserbach
Place of publication: [Wien]
Year of publication: 1861
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1608 (2)
Title: Riesen-Platane am Althan
Place of publication: [Wien]
Year of publication: 1870
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1753

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