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Title: The glaciers of the Alps
Author: Tyndall, John
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1860
Shelfmark: R-II: EU/Hel 1647
Title: Aus den Hochgebirgen von Granada
Author: Willkomm, Moritz
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1882
Shelfmark: R-I: EU/His 1907
Title: Nuova guida di Verona e della sua provincia
Author: Rossi, Giuseppe Maria
Place of publication: Verona
Year of publication: 1854
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Ita 1521
Title: Nouvelle relation de la ville & republique de Venise
Author: Freschot, Casimir
Place of publication: Utrecht
Year of publication: 1709
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Ita 249
Title: Black's picturesque tourist of Scotland
Place of publication: Edinburgh
Year of publication: 1856
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Gro 1572
Title: Guide du voyageur à Constantinople et dans ses environs
Author: Lacroix, Frédéric
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1839
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Osm 1143
Title: Aus dem Venediger- und Longobardenland
Author: Brunner, Sebastian
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1860
Shelfmark: R-I: EU/Ita 1626
Title: Die Völker Europa's
Author: Kohl, Johann Georg
Place of publication: Hamburg
Year of publication: 1872
Shelfmark: G-III: EU 1790
Title: Beschreibung zweyer Reisen auf den Montblanc, unternommen im August 1820
Author: Gamelʹ, Iosif Ch.
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1821
Shelfmark: R-II: EU/Fra 878
Title: Swiss pictures
Author: Manning, Samuel
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1880
Shelfmark: G-III: EU/Hel 1866
Title: Peloponnesische Wanderung
Author: Lang, Wilhelm
Place of publication: Berlin
Year of publication: 1878
Shelfmark: R-II: EU/Gri 1847
Title: Die Adria und ihre Küsten
Author: Goracuchi, Alessandro de
Place of publication: Triest
Year of publication: 1863
Shelfmark: G-II: EU 1687
Title: A handbook for travellers in Sicily
Author: Dennis, George
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1864
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Ita 1700
Title: N. O. V. De Oelandia
Author: Elvius, Petrus
Place of publication: Upsaliae
Year of publication: 1703
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Sve 231
Title: Christian Ulrich Delev Eggers, Professors der Kameralwissenschaften bei der Universitüt zu Kopenhagen physikalische und statistische Beschreibung von Island Ersten Theils Erste Abtheilung
Author: Eggers, Christian Ulrich Detlev von
Place of publication: Kopenhagen
Year of publication: 1786
Shelfmark: G-III: EU/Dan 555
Title: Lettres sur le Dannemarc
Author: Roger, Urbain
Place of publication: A Géneve
Year of publication: 1757
Shelfmark: G-III:EU/Dan 376
Title: Chemin de fer de Paris à Cherbourg
Author: Rey, Jules
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1858
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Fra 1593
Title: Politisch-statistische Uebersicht von Frankreich wie es war und wie es ist
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: 1811
Shelfmark: G-II: EU/Fra 759
Title: Das veränderte Rußland
Author: Weber, Friedrich Christian
Place of publication: Frankfurth und LeipzigFrankfurtHannover
Year of publication: 1739
Shelfmark: R-II: EU/Rus 308
Title: Sketches and Observations taken on a tour through a part of the South of Europe
Author: Wolff, Jens
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1801
Shelfmark: R-III: EU 677
Title: Souvenir des Pyrénées
Author: Assier, Adolphe d'
Place of publication: Toulouse
Year of publication: 1873
Shelfmark: G-II: EU/Fra 1794
Title: Neuer illustrierter London-Führer auf 1862
Author: Tarbuck, Edward L.
Place of publication: Leipzig [u.a.]
Year of publication: 1862
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Gro 1679
Title: La Russie contemporaine
Author: Léouzon Le Duc, L.
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1853
Shelfmark: G-I:EU/Rus 1499
Title: A Journey to Paris in the Year 1698
Author: Lister, Martin
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1699
Shelfmark: R-I EU/Fra 213
Title: Neapel und seine Umgebung
Author: Kleinpaul, Rudolf
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: 1884
Shelfmark: G-IV: EU/Ita 1920

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