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Title: Influenzkarte der Eilpost-Diligenze- und Packwagen-Course in dem Kaiserthume Österreich und in den angränzenden Ländern bis Rom, Genua, Paris, Brüssel, Hamburg, Berlin, Petersburg, Odessa, Constatinopel, Corfu
Cartographer: Raffelsperger, Franz
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1834
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE 775
Title: Archiducatus Austriæ Inferioris Accuratissima Geographica Descriptio
Cartographer: Vischer, Georg Matthäus
Place of publication: Aug=Vind.
Year of publication: 1670
Shelfmark: K-III: OE/Inf 36
Title: [Himmelglobus]
Author: Coronelli, Vincenzo
Place of publication: [Venedig]
Year of publication: 1696
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): WE 123 (1-13)
Title: Neue Vollständige Post-Karte vom Herzogthum Kaernten
Author: Heymann, Ignaz
Place of publication: Triest
Year of publication: 1798
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Car 280
Title: Türkische Belagerung der Kayserlichen Haubt und Residentz Statt Wien in Oesterreich. 1683.
Author: Suttinger, Daniel
Place of publication: Wienn
Year of publication: 1702
Shelfmark: G-III: OE/Vie 76 ( 2)
Title: A Plan of the Town of the Cape of Good Hope and its Environs
Author: Bourset, ...
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1795
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): AF/Süd 92
Title: Accurater Geographischer Plan u. Grundris der Königl. und Landesfürstl. Haubt Stadt Linz in dem Erzherzogthumb Oestereich ob der Enns
Author: Knittel, Franz Anton
Place of publication: [Linz]
Year of publication: 1742
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Sup 121
Title: Der Oesterreichische Kreis
Cartographer: Güssefeld, Franz L.
Place of publication: Nürnberg
Year of publication: 1788
Shelfmark: K-V(BL): OE 219
Title: Al S.or Francesco Scaridino Non mi parea cosa convenie[n]te ch'io Cassiasi andar fuora l'Europa, con la giuta del'africa, et parte del'asia senza ch'io le segnasoi nel Fronte nome honorato, si onde essa nun fusse isprezzata ó, almeno risbeltaia la onae nom sorio posulto in aliso compiaccre as pave di V. S. che per I gra meróli suoi pelvano esser scudo contro el biajmo di guessi che molto sano, ó al giudicio di guessi che frappe senerri nel censurar le altrui cose sono la riccua dun gue il core affetionato alla natia bonta di V. S. alla qualle hunulmente m’incefimo di padova 1570 D[ome]n[i]co Zenoni. / Oratio Beteli
Cartographer: Zenoi, Domenico
Place of publication: Padova
Year of publication: 1570
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): WE 39
Title: A. Hartleben's Eisenbahn-Karte der österreich-ungarischen Monarchie
Author: Rensz, Alois
Place of publication: Wien, Budapest und Leipzig
Year of publication: 1882
Shelfmark: K-II: OE 2022
Title: Carte du cours du Danube depuis Ulm jusquá son embouchure dans la Mer noire
Place of publication: Vienne
Year of publication: 1837
Shelfmark: K-V(BL): EU 1108
Title: Nova Anhaltini Principatus Tabula.
Place of publication: Amst.
Year of publication: 1710
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): DE/Sax 105
Title: Nouveau Plan de Paris et de ses Faubourgs
Cartographer: La Grive, Jean de
Place of publication: [Paris]
Year of publication: 1740
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/Fra 311
Title: Karte Des Erz-Herzogthums Oesterreich ob - und unter - der Enns
Place of publication: [Wien]
Year of publication: 1813
Shelfmark: K-I: OE 491 (1)
Title: Neueste Eisenbahnkarte der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1869
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE 1742
Title: Praktische Geschäfts- und Reisekarte sämmtlicher Staaten von Europa
Cartographer: Schulz, R. A.
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1852
Shelfmark: K-I: EU 1486
Title: Carte de l'Isle Madagascar dite autrement Madecase et de S. Laurens et aujourdhui l'Isle Dauphine
Author: Duval, Pierre
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1677
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): AF/Ins 25
Title: To Sir John Barrow, Bar.t &c. &c. through whose influence & exertions modern Geography is so preeminently indebted this Map of Omán
Author: Wellsted, James R.
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1837
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): AS/Vor 286
Title: Reise-Karte der Schweiz
Cartographer: Bollmann, Ludwig Friedrich von
Place of publication: München
Year of publication: 1849
Shelfmark: K-III: EU/Hel 1363
Title: Nova, Et Integra Universi Orbis Descriptio
Cartographer: Finé, Oronce
Place of publication: [Paris]
Year of publication: 1531
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): WE 19
Title: Karte der Œsterreichischen Monarchie
Cartographer: Fried, Franz
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1859
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE 1488
Title: Descrittione del Ducato di Savoia novamente posto in luce in Venetia L'anno MDLXII
Cartographer: Forlani, Paolo de
Place of publication: Venetia
Year of publication: 1562
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/Fra 24
Title: Terres Australes
Author: Duval, Pierre
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1684
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): AU 3
Title: Austriae Ducatus Seu Pannoniae Superioris Chorographia Germana
Cartographer: Lazius, Wolfgang
Place of publication: [Antwerpen]
Year of publication: 1570
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE 10
Title: Planisphaerium Terrestre Sive Terrarum Orbis : Planisphaericè Constructi Repraesentatio Quintuplex Adiunctis aliquibus Astronomicae Geographiae Tyrociniis ; Cum Privilgio potentiss. D. D. Ordinum Hollandiae et Westfrisiae
Place of publication: Amstelo-Batavo
Year of publication: 1696
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): WE 119

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