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Title: Italia
Author: Pauliny, Jakob Josef
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1843
Shelfmark: K-III: EU/Ita 1264
Title: Map of Europe,
Author: Arrowsmith, Aaron
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1798
Shelfmark: K-IV: EU 646 (1-4)
Title: Die Liparischen Inseln
Author: Ludwig Salvator <Österreich, Erzherzog>
Place of publication: Prag
Year of publication: 1893
Shelfmark: G-IV: EU/Ita 1993 (7)
Title: Vicenza e il suo territorio
Author: Cabianca; Lampertico, Jacopo; Fedele
Place of publication: Milano
Year of publication: 1861
Shelfmark: G-III: EU/Nie 146
Title: Det forste Forsog paa Norges Naturlige Historie
Author: Pontoppidan, Erik
Place of publication: Kiøbenhavn
Year of publication: 1752
Shelfmark: G-III: EU/Nor 361
Title: Beschreibung des Türkischen Reiches
Author: Lüdeke, Christoph Wilhelm
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: 1771
Shelfmark: G-II: EU/Osm 435
Title: Carta stradale e postale dell'Italia
Cartographer: Cerri, Carlo
Place of publication: Vende in Milano
Year of publication: 1849
Shelfmark: K-III: EU/Ita 1364 (1-8)
Title: Het Hooge Heemraedtschap von Schielandt.
Cartographer: Stampioen, Jan Jansz.
Place of publication: Tot Rotterdam
Year of publication: 1684
Shelfmark: K-III: EU/Nie 185 (1-9)
Title: Plan der Umgebung von Ofen und Pest
Place of publication: Pest
Year of publication: 1852
Shelfmark: G-I: OE/Hun 1310
Title: Generalkarte des Lombardisch-Venetianischen Königreiches
Place of publication: Mailand
Year of publication: 1838
Shelfmark: K-III: EU/Ita 1126 (1-4)
Title: Vues d'Italie
Place of publication: à Paris
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Ita 1415 (1-8)
Title: Neueste Reise durch Oesterreich ob und unter der Ens, Salzburg, Berchtesgaden, Kärnthen und Steyermark
Author: Sartori, Franz
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1811
Shelfmark: R-I: OE 439 (2)
Title: Karte von Alt-Preussen enthaltend Ost-Preussen nebst Preussisch Litthauen und West-Preussen nebst dem Netzdistrict
Cartographer: Engelhardt, Friedrich BernhardTextor, Johann Christoph von
Place of publication: Berlin
Year of publication: 1809
Shelfmark: K-III: DE/Bor 319 (1-25)
Title: Das Königreich Würtemberg, Großherzogthum Baden, und das Fürstenthum Hohenzollern, in Albers'scher Projection von C. G. Reichhard, Stadtsyndicus zu Lobenstein
Cartographer: Reichard, Christian Gottlieb
Place of publication: Nürnberg
Year of publication: 1813
Shelfmark: K-I: DE/Wür 365 (1-2)
Title: Neueste Generalkrarte von Deutschland in XXIV Blättern.
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1797
Shelfmark: K-III: DE 296 (1-24)
Title: Bayern, Württemberg und Baden
Place of publication: München
Year of publication: 1839
Shelfmark: K-III: DE 505 (1-4)
Title: Plan von Hamburg, Altona und Umgegend
Place of publication: Hamburg
Year of publication: 1885
Shelfmark: K-I: DE/Han 839
Title: Special Charte von den Westphälischen Provinzen Cleve Geldern Meurs Marck Ravensberg Minden Lingen und Tecklenburg
Cartographer: Sotzmann, Daniel Friedrich
Place of publication: Berlin
Year of publication: 1790
Shelfmark: K-II: DE/Wes 261
Title: Reichenhall
Place of publication: i. München
Year of publication: 1870
Shelfmark: K-I: DE/Bav 785
Title: S[acri] Rom[ani] Imperii Circuli Et Electoratus Bavariae Tabula Chorographica : In Qua Fortissimorum Virorum, Caesarum, Regum, Principum Patriam, Pacis, Belliq. Studiis Celeberrimam, Avitae Religionis, Germani Candoris, Artium Omnium Ac Scientiarum Domicilium Et Sedem, Maiorum Prudentia Ac Fortitudine XII, Et Amplius Seculis Gloriosissimo Gubernatam, Auctam, Conservatam, A Serenissima Posteritate, Plurib. Posthac Augend. Regendam, Hic Vero Coram Quasi Intuend. Proposuit Ac Descripsit Atque
Place of publication: S.L.
Year of publication: 1671
Shelfmark: K-I: DE/Bav 199
Title: Kaisei Hokkaidō meisai zenzu
Place of publication: Tōkyō
Year of publication: 1889
Shelfmark: K-I: AS/Ost 601
Title: Accurate Neue und Alte Geographie Von gantz Teutschland
Author: Tromsdorff, Johann Samuel
Place of publication: Franckfurt und Leipzig
Year of publication: 1711
Shelfmark: G-I: DE 106
Title: L'Histoire de Geoffroy de Villehardouyn, Mareschal de Champagne & Romenie
Author: Vigenère, Blaise de
Place of publication: A Paris
Year of publication: 1585
Shelfmark: H-II: EU/Osm 43
Title: Theatrum scotiæ
Author: Slezer, John
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1718
Shelfmark: AW-IV: EU/Gro 266
Title: Mapa Civil y Militar De España Y Portugal : Con La Nueva Division En Distritos ; Enriquecido de los planes particulares de 34 Ciudades y puertos principales
Author: Donnet, Alexis
Place of publication: Publicado en Paris
Year of publication: 1831
Shelfmark: K-IV: EU/His 1018 (1-7)

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