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Search results:

Title: Anfiteatro di Milano
Place of publication: [Milano]
Year of publication: 1810
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 751
Title: Milano
Place of publication: Vienna
Year of publication: 1820
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 849
Title: Lauterbrunnen Thal
Place of publication: [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Hel 1152a
Title: Castrum Lipsiae ad Augustum Regnem Poloniae Electorem Saxoniae Pertinentem
Place of publication: Amsterdam
Year of publication: 1720
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Sax 117

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