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Title: [Folge von Ansichten vom Bau der Eisenbahn im Pustertal 1870/1871]
Place of publication: Bozen
Year of publication: 1871
Shelfmark: AW-V(Bl): OE/Tyr 1788 (1-4)
Title: Vûës des villes, edifices & autres choses remarquables de la Grand' Bretagne & d'Irlande,
Place of publication: A Lei
Year of publication: ||
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU/Gro 295
Title: Scènes populaires
Place of publication: Naples
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-II:EU/Ita 1173
Title: Ansichten der am meisten erhaltenen griechischen Monumente in Sicilien
Author: Gärtner, Friedrich von
Place of publication: München
Year of publication: 1819
Shelfmark: AW-V(Bl): EU/Ita 833 (1-10)
Title: Vues de Paris et de ses environs
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Fra 1165
Title: [Collection of views from Edinburgh and its surroundings]
Place of publication: EdinburghPerth.
Year of publication: 1810
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Gro 758 (1-5)
Title: Album de 60 jolies vues en couleurs lithographiées sur l’Espagne
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1865
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/His 1396 (1-24)
Title: Le carton inédit de V. Fagonde
Place of publication: Pont à Mousson
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Fra 1400
Title: Monuments anciens receuillis en Belgique
Author: Delepierre, Octave
Place of publication: Bruxelles u.a.
Year of publication: 1845
Shelfmark: AW-V: EU/Bel 1306
Title: Views of the opening of the Glasgow and Grankirk Railway
Author: Buchanan, George
Place of publication: Edinburgh
Year of publication: 1832
Shelfmark: AW-V: EU/Gro 1036
Title: Spanish scenery
Author: Vivian, George
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1838
Shelfmark: AW-V: EU/His 1135
Title: Ten scenes in the last ascent of Mont Blanc
Author: Browne, J. D. H.
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1853
Shelfmark: AW-V : EU/Fra 1492
Title: Les Vosges
Author: Gautier, Théophile
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1860
Shelfmark: AW-V: EU/Fra 1625
Title: Wiens mahler: Umgebungen
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1825
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 719 (1-3)
Title: Original views of London as it is
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1842
Shelfmark: AW-V: EU/Gro 1228
Title: Viaggio Da Venetia, A Constantinopoli Per Mare, E Per Terra
Author: Rosaccio, Giuseppe
Place of publication: In Venetia
Year of publication: 1598
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU 55
Title: Kunstbuechlin, Darinnen neben Fuerbildung vieler, Geistlicher vnnd Weltlicher, Hohes vnd Niderstands Personen, so dann auch der Tuerckischen Kaeyser, vnnd derselben Obersten, allerhandt kunstreiche Stueck vnnd Figuren
Author: Amman, Jost
Place of publication: Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn
Year of publication: 1599
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU 56
Title: Iohann Wilhelm Bauren Unterschidliche Prospecten welche er in dennen Landen Italiae,
Place of publication: zu Augspurg
Year of publication: 1681
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Ita 183
Title: Views of Hastings, St. Leonards on Sea and Battle
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1856
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Gro 1573
Title: 26 Memoire della regia città di Venezia e monumento di Canova
Place of publication: [Venedig]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Ita 1158
Title: Raccolta di 50. vedute antiche e moderne della città di Roma e sua vicinanze
Author: Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Place of publication: Roma
Year of publication: 1820
Shelfmark: AW-II:EU/Ita 861
Title: [Vues de St. Petersburg et ses environs]
Place of publication: [Sankt-Peterburg und Karlsruhe?]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU/Rus 1210 (2)
Title: Brüssel
Place of publication: á Bruxelles
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-III:EU/Bel 1409
Title: Memorie di un viaggio pittorico nel littorale Austriaco
Author: Selb, August
Place of publication: Trieste
Year of publication: 1842
Shelfmark: AW-V(Bl): OE/Küs 1006

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