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Title: Leipzig mit Umgebungen
Place of publication: Meissen
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Sax 521
Title: Erinnerung an Freiberg
Place of publication: Freiberg
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Sax 540
Title: Aspfalt Fabrik des Herrn S. M. Freiherrn v. Rothschild in Venedig
Place of publication: Venezia
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 1417
Title: Maxen
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Sax 642
Title: City of Detroit, Michigan
Place of publication: New York
Year of publication: 1837
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): AM/Nor 316
Title: Aus der Campagna
Place of publication: [Düsseldorf?]
Year of publication: 1860
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 1643
Title: Warwick Castle
Place of publication: [London]
Year of publication: 1858
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Gro 1591 (2)
Title: Vues de Waterloo et plan de la bataille
Place of publication: Bruxelles
Year of publication: 1820
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Bel 870
Title: Twelve views of Ramsgate
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Gro 1192
Title: Campo di S. Geremia con la famosa caccia del torro
Place of publication: Venezia
Year of publication: 1715
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 177
Title: Pêcheuse Napolitaine. N.° 7
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1868
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 1748
Title: Prospectus Urbis Venetiarum prae caeteris magnifica,
Place of publication: Venetiis
Year of publication: 1760
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 381
Title: Gottesberg .
Place of publication: Schmiedeberg
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Sil 675
Title: Veduta della Piazza di Monte Cavallo
Place of publication: Roma
Year of publication: 1773
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 385
Title: Tifte
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Sax 680 (2)
Title: Pirna mit dem sonst festen Schloss Sonnenstein an der Elbe in Sachsen
Place of publication: Dresden
Year of publication: 1800
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Sax 305
Title: Merkwürdige Ansichten der sächsischen Oberlausitz
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: 1785
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Sil 228 (1-2)
Title: Veduta Principale del Viale di mezzo del Real Giardino di Boboli
Place of publication: [Firenze]
Year of publication: 1780
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 495
Title: [La cathédrale d'Arequipa]
Place of publication: [Bruxelles]
Year of publication: 1860
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): AM/Süd 458
Title: Le Keepsake français
Place of publication: Londres
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Fra 1200
Title: Wien
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1845
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1064
Title: Friedrichshafen
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Year of publication: 1845
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Wür 593 (2)
Title: Wien vom Gloriette in Schönbrunn
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Vie 1269
Title: Livourne. Le Port.
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 1384
Title: Der Dom zu Köln in seiner Vollendung
Place of publication: München
Year of publication: 1841
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Rhe 555

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