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Title: Voyage en Syrie et en Égypte, pendant les années 1783, 1784 et 1785
Author: Volney, Constantin-François
Place of publication: A Paris
Year of publication: 1787
Shelfmark: R-I: AS/Vor 175 (2)
Title: Wanderjahre in Italien
Author: Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: R-I: EU/Ita 1807 (5)
Title: La Suisse historique et pittoresque
Place of publication: Genève [u.a.]
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: G-III: EU/Hel 1570
Title: Letters from the north of Italy
Author: Rose, William Stewart
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1819
Shelfmark: R-II:EU/Ita 836(2)
Title: Historia general del Reyno Balearico
Author: Dameto, Juan Bautista
Place of publication: Ciudad de Mallorca
Year of publication: 1632
Shelfmark: G-III: EU/His 96
Title: Benedikt Franz Hermann's Reisen durch Oesterreich, Steyermark, Kärnten, Krain, Jtalien, Tyrol, Salzburg, und Baiern, im Jahre 1780
Author: Hermann, Benedict Franz Johann von
Place of publication: Wien
Shelfmark: R-I: OE 179
Title: Die Durchläuchtige Welt/ Oder Kurtzgefaßte Genealogische/ Historische und Politische Beschreibung/ meist aller jetztlebenden Durchläuchtigen Hohen Personen/ sonderlich in Europa
Author: Schmid, Samuel Heinrich
Place of publication: Hamburg
Shelfmark: G-I: WE 128
Title: Travels To Discover The Source Of The Nile, In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773
Author: Bruce, James
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1790
Shelfmark: R-III: AF/Ost 87 (4)
Title: Der Orient
Place of publication: Triest
Year of publication: 1858
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Osm 1627
Title: Aus den Alpen
Author: Lendenfeld, Robert von
Place of publication: Prag
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: G-III: EU 2009 (1)
Title: Goethe's Werke
Author: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Place of publication: Stuttgart
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: R-I: EU/Ita 976 (2)
Title: The land we live in
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1854
Shelfmark: G-III: EU/Gro 1513 (3)
Title: Viaggio d'Italia in Inghilterra, descrittione geografico-historica, sacro-profana, antico-moderna e naturale
Author: Coronelli, Vincenzo
Place of publication: Venetia
Year of publication: 1697
Shelfmark: G-I: EU 210 (1)
Title: Die deutsch-russischen Ostseeprovinzen
Author: Kohl, Johann Georg
Place of publication: Dresden [u.a.]
Year of publication: 1841
Shelfmark: R-II: EU/Rus 1215 (1)
Title: Londres et les Anglais
Author: Ferri, Giovanni
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1804
Shelfmark: G-II: EU/Gro 694 (4)
Title: Italienische Zustände
Author: Mundt, Theodor
Place of publication: Berlin
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Ita 1608 (2)
Title: Russia
Author: Wallace, Donald Mackenzie
Place of publication: London [u.a.]
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: R-II: EU/Rus 1841 (2)
Title: Matériaux pour l'étude des glaciers
Author: Dollfus-Ausset, Daniel
Place of publication: Strasbourg
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: R-III: EU 1701
Title: Beschreibung von Venedig
Author: Maier, Johann Christoph
Place of publication: Frankfurt und Leipzig
Year of publication: 1787
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Ita 566 (3)
Title: L' Etat de la France
Place of publication: A Paris
Year of publication: 1748
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Fra 335 (6)
Title: Handbuch für Reisende in Italien
Author: Förster, Ernst
Place of publication: München
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: G-I: EU/Ita 1685 (2)
Title: The alpine guide
Shelfmark: G-I: EU 1831 (1)
Title: Länderkunde von Europa
Place of publication: Wien [u.a.]
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: G-III: EU 1949 (3)
Title: Vertraute Briefe aus Paris geschrieben in den Jahren 1802 und 1803
Author: Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Place of publication: Hamburg
Shelfmark: R-I: EU/Fra 702(2)
Title: Die Kunst in Italien
Author: Speth, Balthasar
Place of publication: München
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: R-I: EU/Ita 837 (3)

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