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Title: Fünfzig Ansichten von Wien und Umgebung
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1893
Shelfmark: AW-I: OE/Vie 2242
Title: Pesth & Ofen
Place of publication: Pest
Year of publication: 1845
Shelfmark: AW-I: OE/Hun 1051
Title: Album de Gand
Place of publication: à Gand
Year of publication: 1851
Shelfmark: AW-V(Bl): EU/Bel 1471 (1-6)
Title: Paris moderne et ses environs
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1858
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Fra 1587
Title: Hundert Ansichten und Gegenden an der Donau
Author: Gignoux, Anton Christoph
Place of publication: Augsburg
Year of publication: 1782
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU 516
Title: Raccolta di cinquanta costumi li pi interessanti delle città, terre, e paesi, in provincie diverse del regno di Napoli
Author: Pinelli, Bartolomeo
Place of publication: Roma
Year of publication: 1817
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Ita 812
Title: Recueil vues des monumens antiques de Rome et des principales fabriques pittoresques de cette ville
Author: Baltard, Louis-Pierre
Place of publication: ParisWien
Year of publication: 1801
Shelfmark: AW-IV: EU/Ita 671 (1-6)
Title: Costumes de Naples
Place of publication: [Naples]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Ita 1201
Title: Souveniers de Fribourg
Place of publication: Géneve [u.a.]
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-I:EU/Hel 1397
Title: Souvenir de la Suisse
Place of publication: Zurich
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-I:EU/Hel 1399
Title: Paris et ses environs
Author: Deroy, Isidore Laurent
Place of publication: Paris [u.a.]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU/Fra 1169
Title: Admirandorum quadruplex spectaculum, delectum pictum, et aeri incisum
Author: Call, Jan van
Place of publication: Amstelaedami
Year of publication: 1695
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU 209
Title: Souvenirs de la Savoie
Author: Dubois, Jean
Place of publication: Genève
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Fra 1171
Title: Nice et ses environs
Place of publication: Nice
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Fra 1392
Title: Les trains de plaisir
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Fra 1196
Title: Album types Français :  : 
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU/Fra 1402
Title: Souvenirs de Fontainebleau
Place of publication: [Paris (?)]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Fra 1153
Title: Bruxelles
Author: Cerf, Joseph
Place of publication: Bruxelles [u.a.]
Year of publication: 1890
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Bel 1974a
Title: Roma
Place of publication: s.l.
Year of publication: 1880
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Ita 1881
Title: British Views
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1723
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU/Gro 275
Title: Album pittoresque des Pyrénées
Place of publication: Pau
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Fra 1406
Title: Album contenant un plan de la Bataille de Waterloo :  : 
Place of publication: Bruxelles
Year of publication: 1846
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Bel 1334
Title: Album von Wien
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1880
Shelfmark: AW-I: OE/Vie 1979
Title: Promenades dans Paris et ses environs
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-V(Bl): EU/Fra 1184 (1-8)
Title: Sämmtiche Kirchen, Capellen und Denksäulen der Inneren Stadt Wien
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1885
Shelfmark: AW-I: OE/Vie 2088

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