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Title: Specvlum Orbis Terrarum
Cartographer: Jode, Gérard de
Place of publication: AntverpiaeWien
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 45
Title: [Sammelatlas]
Place of publication: Amsteldam
Year of publication: 1670
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 99
Title: Atlas royal à l'usage de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne :  : 
Author: Fer, Nicolas de
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1695
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 121
Title: Atlas
Cartographer: Wit, Frederick de
Place of publication: Amsterdam
Year of publication: 1670
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 98
Title: Gerardi Mercatoris et I. Hondii Appendix Novi Atlantis
Author: Hondius, Jodocus
Cartographer: Mercator, Gerhard
Place of publication: Amstelodami
Year of publication: 1637
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 81
Title: Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura
Author: Mercator, Gerhard
Place of publication: Amsterdam
Year of publication: 1630
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 76
Title: Atlas pittoresque des chemins de fer de la Belgique
Author: Wauters, Alphonse
Place of publication: Bruxelles
Year of publication: 1842
Shelfmark: K-III: EU/Bel 1244
Title: Bairische Landtaflen
Author: Apian, Philipp
Place of publication: Zu Inngolstat
Year of publication: 1568
Shelfmark: K-IV: DE/Bav 10
Title: Atlas von Asia
Cartographer: Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm
Place of publication: Gotha
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): AS 267 (1-16)
Title: Atlas von Vorder-Asien
Author: Zimmermann, Carl
Place of publication: Berlin
Year of publication: ####
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): AS/Vor 341 (1-6)
Title: Plan et Environs de Namur Levé Géometriquement
Cartographer: Jaillot, Alexis Hubert
Place of publication: A Paris
Year of publication: 1746
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): EU/Bel 330
Title: Austria
Author: Raffelsperger, Franz
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1844
Shelfmark: K-IV: OE 1356
Title: Atlas des roiaumes de Galicie et de Lodomerie
Author: Maire, François Joseph
Place of publication: Wien
Year of publication: 1789
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Gal 208 (1-15)
Title: Die Schweiz, Tyrol, Steyermark, das Rhein-Elbe und Donaugebiet
Place of publication: München
Year of publication: 1853
Shelfmark: K-I: EU 1508
Object number exhibition: 11 [Ausstellung 2022: 7 ERDTEILE - 7 WELTMEERE]
Title: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, sive Atlas novus Pars 1
Author: Blaeu, JoanBlaeu, Willem Janszoon
Place of publication: Amsterdami
Year of publication: 1645
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 84 (1)
Title: Novus Atlas
Author: Blaeu, Willem Janszoon
Place of publication: Amsterdami
Year of publication: 1634
Shelfmark: K-V:WE 79
Title: Karte eines Theils von Neu- oder West-Gallicien, welcher die Woywodschaften Sendomier und Krakau enthält nebst einem Theil von Alt-Gallicien
Cartographer: Reymann, Gottlob Daniel
Place of publication: S.l. [Berlin]
Year of publication: 1797
Shelfmark: K-IV: OE/Gal 274
Object number exhibition: 27 [Ausstellung 2022: 7 ERDTEILE - 7 WELTMEERE]
Title: Novvs atlas sinesis Pars sexta
Cartographer: Martini, Martino
Place of publication: Amsterdami
Year of publication: 1655
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 84 (5)
Title: [Atlas]
Author: Homann, Johann Baptist
Place of publication: Norimbergae
Year of publication: 1707
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 133
Object number exhibition: 9 [Ausstellung 2022: 7 ERDTEILE - 7 WELTMEERE]
Title: Theatrum orbis terrarum
Author: Ortelius, Abraham
Place of publication: Antverpiae
Year of publication: 1573
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 40
Title: Theatrum orbis terrarum
Author: Ortelius, Abraham
Place of publication: Antverpiae
Year of publication: 1612
Shelfmark: K-V: WE 61
Title: Buda és Pest szabad királyi várossainak tájleirása
Author: Vasquez Pinos, Carl
Place of publication: [Ofen]
Year of publication: 1837
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Hun 839 (1-6)
Title: Tyrolis Pars Meridionalis Episcopatum Tridentinum
Author: Sperges, Joseph von
Place of publication: [Wien]
Year of publication: 1762
Shelfmark: K-V(Bl): OE/Tyr 140
Object number exhibition: 01 [Ausstellung 2023: Land, Land, endlich Land!]36 [Ausstellung 2022: 7 ERDTEILE - 7 WELTMEERE]
Title: Atlas Sive Cosmographicæ Meditationes De Fabrica Mvndi Et Fabricati Figvra
Author: Mercator, Gerhard
Place of publication: Duisburgi Clivorum
Year of publication: 1595
Shelfmark: K-IV: WE 47
Object number exhibition: 30 [Ausstellung 2022: 7 ERDTEILE - 7 WELTMEERE]
Title: Accurata Globi Terrestris
Cartographer: Seutter, MatthäusSeutter, Albrecht Carl
Place of publication: Augsburg
Year of publication: 1750
Shelfmark: K-I: WE 168 (1-6)

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