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Title: IVeme Vue de Livourne
Place of publication: A Rome
Year of publication: 1780
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Ita 492
Title: Residenzschloss zu Weimar
Place of publication: Leipzig
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Thü 649 (1)
Title: Bergstadt Friedrichsrode
Place of publication: Berlin
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Thü 663
Title: St.Louis Mo
Place of publication: St. Louis
Year of publication: 1852
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): AM/Nor 395
Title: Souvenirs de la Savoie
Author: Dubois, Jean
Place of publication: Genève
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Fra 1171
Title: Vista da Cidade de Caravellas
Place of publication: [Rio de Janeiro?]
Year of publication: 1855
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): AM/Süd 423
Title: Nice et ses environs
Place of publication: Nice
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Fra 1392
Title: Hohen-Rechberg
Place of publication: [Stuttgart?]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Wür 507
Title: Durch den indischen Archipel
Author: Pedersen, Hugo Vildfred
Place of publication: Stuttgart [u.a.]
Year of publication: 1902
Shelfmark: R-III: AS/Süd 660
Title: Le glorieuses conquestes de Louis le Grand
Author: Beaulieu, Sébastien de P. de
Place of publication: A ParisWien
Year of publication: 9999
Shelfmark: K-IV: EU/Fra 178
Title: Rélation De L'Ambassade de Mr. le Chevalier De Chaumont A La Cour Du Roy De Siam
Author: Chaumont, Alexandre de
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1687
Shelfmark: R-I: AS/Sos 87
Title: Joannis Sigismundi Wurffbains, Bürgers in Nürnberg Reiß-Beschreibung,
Author: Wurffbain, Johann Sigmund
Place of publication: Nürnberg
Year of publication: 1646
Shelfmark: R-I: AS 38
Title: Andreae Mülleri ... Disquisitio Geographica & Historica, De Chataja
Author: Müller, Andreas
Place of publication: Berolini
Year of publication: 1671
Shelfmark: G-I: AS/Ost 67
Title: Les trains de plaisir
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Fra 1196
Title: Album types Français :  : 
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1850
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU/Fra 1402
Title: Auvergne et Provence
Author: Saint-Félix, Jules de
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-II: EU/Fra 1202
Title: Le Pic d'Altenahr
Place of publication: Paris
Year of publication: 1831
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Hes 455
Title: Souvenirs de Fontainebleau
Place of publication: [Paris (?)]
Year of publication: 1840
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Fra 1153
Title: Die ökonomische Trophäe von Labes
Year of publication: 1770
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Pom 186
Title: The Clock Tower
Place of publication: [London]
Year of publication: 1859
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): EU/Gro 1599 (1
Title: Ware und egendligen Condravet der weit pekanten Stat Steir im Ertzhörzogtum Österreich ob der Ens mit iren Vorstötn und Gassen
Author: Hausser, Wolfgang
Place of publication: [Steyr]
Year of publication: 1611
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): OE/Sup 13
Title: Aachen und seine Umgebungen
Place of publication: Aachen
Year of publication: 1845
Shelfmark: A-V(Bl): DE/Rhe 600
Title: Bruxelles
Author: Cerf, Joseph
Place of publication: Bruxelles [u.a.]
Year of publication: 1890
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Bel 1974a
Title: Roma
Place of publication: s.l.
Year of publication: 1880
Shelfmark: AW-I: EU/Ita 1881
Title: French cathedrals
Author: Winkles, Benjamin
Place of publication: London
Year of publication: 1837
Shelfmark: AW-III: EU/Fra 1103

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