Full text: Sitzungsberichte / Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 160. Band, (Jahrgang 1909)

2. Notes of a Journey on the Upper Mekong, Siam. By 
H. Warington Smytli. Witli Maps and Illustrations. London 
3. Eastern Persian Irak. By General A. Houtum- 
Schindler. Witli Map. London 1898; 
4. Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet. By Sarat 
Chandra Das. Edited by the Hon. W. W. Rockhill. Lon 
don 1902; 
5. Surveying and Exploring in Siam. By James M c. 
Carthy. Second Impression. London 1902; 
6. Map of the River Coryo with Memorandum by the 
Rev. George Grenfeil. 1902; 
7. A Bibliography of Algeria, from the expedition of 
Charles V. in 1541 to 1887. By Sir R. Lambert Playfair 
(from ,Supplementary Papers of the Royal Geographical SocietyS 
Vol. II, Part 2); 
8. Supplement to the Bibliography of Algeria, from the 
Earliest Times to 1895. By Lieut.-Colonel Sir R. Lambert 
Playfair. London 1898; 
9. The Battle of Plataea. By G. B. Grundy. With Maps 
and Plans. London 1894; 
10. Syllabuses of Instruction in Geograpliy. I. In Ele- 
mentary Schools. II. In Higher Schools. London 1903; 
11. The Fifty Years’ Work of the Royal Geographical 
Society. By Clements R. Markham, Secretary. 1881. London. 
12. Report of the Proceedings of the Society in Refe 
rence to the Improvement of Geographical Education. Lon 
don 1886; 
13. General Index to the First Twenty Volumes of the 
Geographical Journal 1893—1902. Compiled by order of the 
Council. London 1906; 
14. Year-Book and Record 1907. Tenth Year of Publi- 
cation. London 1907; 
15. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Geographical 
Society. Containing the Titles of all Works up to December 
1893. Compiled by Hugh Robert Mill. London 1895. 
Ferner folgende Kartenwerke: 
16. Tibet and the Surrounding Regions. Compiled from 
the latest Information. 1906.

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