Society, tlie royal Asiatic: The Journal of the Bombay brancli. Vol. XVI,
Nr. 41. Extra Number. Bombay, 1883; 8°. — Vol. XVI, Nr. 42. 1883.
Bombay, 1884; 8°.
— Report on the searcli for Sanskrit Mss. in the Bombay Presidency during
the year 1882—1883. Bombay, 1884; 8°. — Early history of the Dekkan
down the mahomedan conquest; by Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkas, M. A.,
Hon. M. R. A. S. Bombay, 1884; 8°. — Lists of Sanskrit Manusripts
collected for the Government of Bombay in 1879—1880 and 1881—1882.
Bombay; Folio.