3. Noibo com noibinh,
Gralinh com pentinh
Baix de janell
Ja trucä annel.
4. Debaix du ramad
Ja naceu luvar,
La ve su noibo
De chape armad.
5. Cumem arec betle,
Näo cuspi nu cham,
Cuspi nu me peit,
Regai me cor§äo.
Raminh, raminh,
Pegä na mäo,
Se quere amor,
Larga nu chao.
Oh! re manhä,
Oh! re manhä,
Re manhä.
Com vidrinh
Man da pan hä
Vuruvalh du manhä.
IV. Kinderverse.
Oh ! boiä,' oh! boia,
Oh! boiä, que e de leit?
Mah: the hair tied in a bunch on t.he back of tho head by Indian women,
and some young beaüx. — It gives a comeliness to the fac.e and there-
fore the widows, who are forbidden to loolc on men, cut it off. 1
1 Nach A: ,Fuhrmann 1 . Vgl. Drummond a. a. O. ,Bhoee or Bliooee (Guz.)
Hearing on the Shoulder, Palankeen hay, Chairman 1 .