William Roye's Dialogue between a Christian Father and his stuhhorn Son. 453 I well perceave. for Christ and his body is one thynge wherin yf one once be grafted, in tyme requyred he bringeth forthe tlie frute there of. wlieare none hypocrysy, nor outwarde dissimulacion can healpe. So. What is the power and ma. xxiij. authorite of this churche? Fa. Paul declareth saynge. The lorde hath geven me power to edyfy, and not to ij. co. xiij. destroye. which thynge perteyneth to eache one of the mein- [fol. 29 b .] bers of this boddy, seynge that all thynges ought to be done for the edificacion of the congr[eg]acion, and not to the destruccion. vnto the which entent all spretuall gyftes lykwyse sliulde be vsed and ministred amonge theym. j. co. xij. Son. Have they whom menne call lordes of the spretualte non wotlier power? Fa. Judge in thyne herte whether they be members of this body or not. Yf they were, they shulde also be ministers of the congregacion, and fulfill the office of a trewe shephearde. and nether soffre theym selves to be called lordes or masters. nor yet their shepe to be devowered of wolves, but rather after Ohristis example put their owne j. cor. üj. bodies in ieoperdy for theym. Son. They make men sore astunuyed with theyr coursse and excommunicacion. Fa. The excom- municacion of Christis congregacion, is an acte of gret. charite, and brotherly love. Wherby wotlier shulde refrayne Joau. x. theym silves from the life and learnynge of hym which is acoursed or excommunicate. ordened to the entent that therby the wicked myght the better come to the knowledge of hym sylfe. and at the last confounded and ashamed of his owne offence and misdede before his brethren, confesse hym silfe to be as an infecte and rotten mem- [fol. 30“.] bre, worthy to be reiecte from the whole body. and so with amendment desire helpe and foryevenes of Christ and his holy Company. So. Is this excommunicacion nedfull vnto the churche of Christ? Fa. Ye surely, that Christen men cannot be without it. For herby prove they all thynges, and kepe that gode is, and beleve not every sprete, but prove theym whether they are off god or nott. And herby syngulerly beware of faulce j. Cor. v . learnynges. and so exchewe all faulce and disceatfull delusions of the wicked. So. The right coursse or excommunicacion as they saye cannot be, except it be declared in the polpet. Fa. Loke howe moche the more a manne perceaveth j. tcsa. v. Sitzungsber. d. phil.-hist. CI. LXXV1. Bd. III. Eft. 30