662 Z u p i t l a. and in inaner and al attonys in bothe this armes 5 with offte kyssyng with grete proffres of gold, of tresour with inne liis paleys 61 Alle thes profres and to tbe kynges hym recomaundyng at bis departyng 5 with pitons wopyng nn to the kyng ,duryhg my lyf schall i never 62 At ther departyng sweem of tlier speclie the kyng goth hom, toward Warwyk, 5 no man of hym wliere day be day ffedde poore folk to praie for hir 63 Thrittene in noumbre: Guy at bis comyng tlire daies space that took almesse, 5 thankyng the contesse nat fe'r fro Warwyk, ef aventure where he fond on 64 To hym he drouh for a tymo the same hermyte by deth is passed 5 affter whos day space of too yeer dauntyng his flessli 63, 1 my. gan wepyn for gladnesse he gan hym to enbraee of royall gentylnesse of ffeithfull kyndenesse, on the tother syde and of gret rychesse, yif he wolde abyde. meekly he forsook royall mageste anoon his weie he took. this avouh maad he knelyng on his kne in ffull humble entent: (it may noon other bee) doon of this garnementf was but smal langage: made interupcyoune. Guy took his vyagc his casteil and his tonn, havyng suspecyoun, Ffelyce, his trewe wyf, of greet devocyoun and for hir lordys lyf myn auetour writeth so. forgrowe in his vysagc, he was oon of tlio, with humble and louli corage. in haste took his viage: the cronycle doth expresse, kam to an hermytage, dwellyng in wyldirnesse. besechyng hym of grace to holde there sojour. with inne a lytel space the ffyn of his labour; Guy was his successour by grace of Cryst Jesu by peuaunce and rigour,