Full text: Sitzungsberichte / Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 76. Band, (Jahrgang 1874)

William Roye’s Dialogue between a Christian Father and his stuhborn Son. 443 
in his promeses, perceave howe that by Christ we have obteyned 
grace for grace. Which knovvledge dryveth hym so Joan. j. 
fervently vnto his mercy, that in all his doynges he seketh 
only the glory of god and his neghbours welthe, and so 
aproächeth to the trewe love of god and also of his neghboure. 
And thus knowynge god for his father, he cannot but nedes 
must have Christ his singuler redemer continually before his 
owne eyes. and that spretually. And so consydre the grett 
benefytes obtained by his deth and passion. and also, the 
ensamples of brotherly [fol. 20 b .] love and charite which he 
lofte vnto hym? So. Whye, is he then never present with vs 
boddely, as he honge on the crosse? and as they whome men 
call gostly fathers, Doctours, and preachers, do aferme, 
sayinge, that as often as one of theym, or of their anoynted 
secte saye over a pece of bred, this is my boddy, through 
the vertue of these wordes, he beynge theare corporally, 
converteth that bred into his boddy? Fa. They beynge Hat. xv. 
blynde wolde fayne leade wother blynde with theym into the 
pitt of erroure. For suerly so to afferme playnly repungneth 
agaynst these articles of oure belefe and wholy scripture. He 
ascended vp into heven, and sitteth on the right honde ot God 
the father allmyghthy. From whence he shall come to iudge 
bothe quicke and dedde. He sayde also vnto his jo. xvij. 
disciples. It is expedient that I departe from you. and many 
soche places mo. Wherby it evidently apereth that Christ 
never gave theym eny soche authorite, or commaundement. For(as 
Paul sayth) what soever thynge is written, it is written ao. xv. 
for oure wealthe and comforte, therby to be made the better, 
and to receave more spirituall comforte and instruction. So. 
Howe then are these wordes to be vnderstond- [fol. 21“.] de? 
Fa. Even as the lorde tought Paul his faythfull disciple to 
vnderstonde theym. which declarynge theym vnto the Corrinthians, 
sayeth. As often as ye eate of this breade, and dryncke j. co. xj. 
of this cuppe, ye' shewe the lordes deathe tili he come. as he 
shulde saye, as often as ye thus receave bred and dryncke 
together, call to youre remembraunce, and declare one to 
another the lordis death, tili the tyme come, that he shall 
come agayne in the lykenes and silfe same body wherin he 
apered before vnto his apostles. This same was the lordis

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