Full text: Sitzungsberichte / Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 76. Band, (Jahrgang 1874)

for oure redempcion. We deserved punnysshement and death, 
j. Pe. nj. and he which never committed offence soffered it. tlie 
rightous, for the vnrightous. and that on the crosse vnder Pons 
Pilate, at that tyme b'eynge the Emperours debite of Rome 
in Jerusalem. For the power and authorite of Jury 1 was taken 
genn. iiix. awaye, accordynge to Jacobs prophecy. Insomoche that 
Psai. ij. they had no more power to iudge eny man to death. Wher- 
fore to accomplesshe the prophecy, the hethen holpe to condempne 
Coi. ij. hym, and that to the moste shamfullest death possible, 
that is of the crosse. Wlierby he losed vs from shame and also death, 
j. Pet. ij. leavynge vs and 2 ensample to folowe bis fote steppes. That 
is to saye that we shulde crucify oure olde Adam, with his carnall 
desyres. And therfore dyed he through his fathers obedience, 
offerynge hym silfe throwe the eternall sprete, with outen spott 
vnto god allmyghty, with his bloudde to pourge oure consciences 
from ded workes. Wherfore in lyke maner he became the 
Ebr. Yiij. mediatoure of the newe testament. That [fol. 18*.] as 
Ebr. ix. sone as his death was full ended for oure transgressions 
of the fyrst testament. they which wer called myght receve 
the promes of eternall inheritaunce. For asmoche as god the 
ij. Co. iij. father hathe ma<(e hym to be synne (for vs) which 
knewe no synne that we by hym shulde be that rightousnes 
whiche before god is alowed. For doutlesse he dyed after 
the same maner that we deye, and was buried. wherfore it 
becommeth vs to deye and to be buryed with hym also. And 
that can we not do, excepte we forsake all flesshely workes, 
and soffre god only to worke in vs. For this is the halowynge 
of the Saboth daye which fyrst after this lyfe shalbe fulfild. He 
descended downe to hell (as clerly apereth by the scripture, 
Tsai.3 xvi. that all his therby sliuld be delivered both from death 
Act. ij. also hell. So. How cannst tliou be fre from death, seynge 
thou arte a manne, and scripture affirmeth that all men must 
once dye? Fa. Though Christen menne shlepe in the lorde. yett 
Heb. ix. dye they not, for the soule departynge out of this 
wretched boddy entreth immediatly into grett ioye and rest, so 
wat.* xxij. remaynynge vntill that oure lorde shall awake it agayne. 
Christ is oure lyfe in whom yf we dwell, withouten dout 
1 Jewry. 2 av. 3 Psal. 4 Mat.

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