Full text: Sitzungsberichte / Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 74. Band, (Jahrgang 1873)

Zupitz a. 
spared nat 
3 In this brennyng 
to Denmark pryncis 
lyk woode lyouns 
did no favour 
5 alias, this lond 
froward Fortune 
Mars and Mercuric 
that bothe j)e kyng 
4 By froward force 
thes danyssli pryncis 
on hih hilles 
(fortune of werre 
5 the peple robbed 
for verray dreed 
wlian the stremys 
lyk a gret ryvei' 
5 Paraventure 
as is remembrid 
of o persone 
myhte be withdrawe: 
ö reed, how ]>c myhty 
was put a bak 
the theffte of Nachor 
out of the ffeld 
6 Thus by the pryde 
and cruel ffurie 
this rewm almost 
(the swerd of Bellona 
5 lordis wer pensiff, 
oon of thes tirauntys 
and, as myn auctour 
the tother was 
7 This myscheff wers, 
god with his punsshyng 
suerd of a tyraunt 
with ffurious hand 
2, 8 Cäsur hinter wo men Hs. 
6, 8 Cäsur nach named Hs. 
women greet with chylde. 
and ffurious cruelte 
pompous and elat 
void of alle pite 
to louh nor hih estaat. 
stood so dysconsolaat! 
hath at hem so dysdeyned, 
wer with hem at debaat, 
and pryncis wer distreyned 
to take hem to the fflyght. 
ageyn hem wer so wood: 
ther ffyres gaff suych lyg'ht 
in suych disjoynt tho stood), 
and spoiled of ther good 
of colour ded and pale, 
ran doun of red blood 
fro mounteyns to ]>e vale, 
for sum olde trespace, 
of antyquyte, 
hap, ffortune and grace 
in cronycles ye may see, 
ffamous Josue 
thre dayes in bataylle; 
made Israelle to ffle 
and in ther conquest faile. 
and veyn ambycioun 
of thes pryncis tweyne 
brouht to destruccyoun 
gan at hem so disdeyne) 
]>e porail gan compleyne. 
callid Anelaphus 
remembreth in serteyn, 
named Genaplielus. 
than strok of pestilence — 
is ffounde mercyable: 
punssheth with vyolence, 
mortalle and vengable. 
3, 1 and fehlt, vgl. 12, 7.

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